Concession Agreement Origin

Interestingly, the term "concession contract" has two different meanings when it comes to commercial contracts. Personally, I think the company is quite confusing as it stands, each term should only mean one thing! The more attractive and profitable a concession is, the less likely a government is to offer tax breaks and other incentives. Governments can use this type of concession contract to provide services they cannot or do not want to provide. For example, a concession contract could be signed with a foreign company to enable it to manage ports or borders. A common space for concession agreements between governments and private companies implies the right to use certain parts of public infrastructure such as railways. Rights can be granted to sole proprietorships – resulting in exclusive rights – or to several organisations. As part of the agreement, the government could have rules for construction and maintenance, as well as ongoing operating standards. Complex Private Finance Initiative (PLT) projects may include a concession contract that grants private contractors the right to use certain assets. However, when transferring these rights, the government or judicial authority may set certain expectations regarding the level of maintenance and investment, as well as the business standards to be met. In the private sector, the concession holder – the concessionaire – usually pays either a fixed amount or a percentage of the income to the owner of the business from which he operates. [2] Examples of concessions within another company include concessions in sports venues and cinemas, as well as concessions in department stores operated by other retailers.

Short-term concessions can be granted as advertising space for periods of a single day. A concession contract is a negotiated contract that grants a company rights through a government, local authority or other legal entity. Reading the article, I somehow wondered why a company would do such a thing. However, I can understand why a government would make concessions if it really had to do business with the other side. Concession agreements usually exist between the governments of countries and private companies or companies. The joint concessions between governments and individuals are as follows: Muhammad Ali of Egypt used contracts called concessions to build cheap infrastructure – dams and railways – with foreign European companies raising capital, building projects and generating most of the operating revenue, but Ali`s government would provide some of that revenue. [3] For more examples of concessions, see Gibbons v. Ogden and the railroad policy of the United States.

Within the European Union, the award of concessions by public authorities is subject to regulation. Works concessions have been subject to procurement rules for some time now, as Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the European Council on public procurement applies to works concessions and the award of service concessions of cross-border interest is subject to the principles of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. However, on 26 February 2014, the European Parliament and the European Council adopted a new Directive 2014/23/EU on the award of concessions[4], which obliged EU Member States to adopt national legislation for the award of concession contracts amounting to EUR 5 186 000 awarded from 18 April 2016. With respect to an operating concession, the agreement gives the company the exclusive right to operate in a location such as a sports stadium, cruise ship or government building. In this case, the company operates a concession that can sell food, accessories and a variety of other products. He must pay an annual royalty for the right to operate or give a percentage of his income to the place. In return, the place undertakes not to sign concession contracts with other companies offering similar products or services. I can understand why a government could sign a concession contract to get a company to operate in its country when no national company can provide the services. However, I can`t imagine a country hiring a foreign company to manage its borders! It therefore appears that a concession contract is probably most often used when one party is disadvantaged and the other party then has more bargaining power. Concession contracts are also popular with retail businesses, where these companies use the other party`s facility or business location under certain conditions. Retailers can also enter into a concession agreement with local authorities, under which they have the right to sell their products in federal parks, amusement parks and other government-owned open spaces.

The terms of a concession contract may include the payment of royalties, the percentage of revenue generated, or responsibility for the maintenance costs of the facility. @starrynight - I agree, the term concession contract makes me a matter of concession company. Although the term is also very useful if it is also used in the other direction. One party makes a concession to the other party so that it can do business together. When it comes to contracts with foreign companies, a concession contract is established between the company and the government of the country in which it wishes to do business. The government may want to create incentives for the business by reducing taxes, easing restrictions, or offering other incentives. In cases where the government is not as enthusiastic, the company may have to make certain concessions, such as. B, the transfer of part of the profits to the government or the payment of a special tax rate, which may be higher than that of domestic enterprises. Once the agreement is negotiated and signed, the company has the right to do business locally under the terms of the agreement. As a general rule, concession contracts include some of the conditions given when a private company is granted exclusive rights to use a property, including maintenance of public services, repair if necessary and other compensation.
