Meaning of Legal Term Antecedent

Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms of the precursor effect of "cancellation" or "withdrawal" on claims for prior damage in Middle English, medieval Latin and Latin; Medieval Latin Antecedent, Antecedens, from Latin, the foregoing, from neutral antecedent, Antecedens, present partizip d`antecedere to go, from ante- + cedere to go (c) The instrument is issued or transferred in payment or as security for a previous claim against a person, whether or not the claim is due; Example of some laws in Florida that use the term Antecedent. Unless otherwise clearly stated, statements of "withdrawal" or "withdrawal" from contract or similar shall not be construed as a waiver or performance of a claim for damages due to a prior breach. A basic principle of clear writing is to keep your story clear. Pronouns are often used to avoid repeating a name (so instead of saying "Sheila will be 22 tomorrow and Sheila celebrates", we replace the second "Sheila" with "she"). But sloppy writers sometimes leave their ancestors in the dark (for example, "Sheila helps Kathleen, but she doesn`t like her," where it`s not clear who "she" is). Pay attention to this possible problem if you use not only him and her, but also them, she, that, this, * and * that. And remember that Antecedent is not just a grammar term. You can talk about the precursors of heart disease (like bad eating habits), the precursors of World War II (like the reckless Treaty of Versailles), and even your own ancestors (your mother, grandfather, etc.). preceding, preceding, preceding, anterior, anterior means to be before. Moving forward usually means being just before the moment or in place.

the preceding sentence applies to the ordered order and may suggest a causal link. The conditions that preceded the revolution apply mainly to declarations. The above remarks against and in context imply that they exist earlier or occur earlier, but the previous ones often imply involvement of greater importance. A child from a marriage prior to a previous commitment of the first always involves a definitive comparison or contrast with something that is the last. The old name of the previous company applies to the front or forward position usually in space, sometimes in time or order. After the guilty verdict, the judge summarized the story of the accused. Previous moisture state (MAC) refers to the amount of moisture and storage in the soil profile prior to a storm event. (1) An instrument is issued or transferred for value if: Record the details of the incident in a clear and concise manner, without reflecting prejudices in the text fields Behavior, History, Consequence and Comments. (e) the instrument is issued or transferred in exchange for the making of an irrevocable commitment to a third party by the person making use of the instrument; History to be checked by the relevant local police service. The sentence that a court imposes on a person convicted of a crime.

The sponsor must confirm the validity of the person through their ongoing relationship, the date of the previous event and provide the registrar with clear information about the identity of the applicant. . Antecedent means earlier, already present or earlier. Anything before or the quality or being before. Previous soil moisture is an indicator of moisture and soil availability to seep into the water. Details of the past of an accused or a person convicted of a crime. Information about previous crimes, background and misconduct is given to the court before the verdict is pronounced. When the SCS method is used, antecedent moisture condition 1 shall be applied in areas of carbonate geology and anterior moisture condition 2 in all other areas. Sponsor`s background, where the applicant.B an employee, member or employee, does not have adequate access to a registrar.

For each worker and supervisor mandated by him, the contractor must obtain complete biographical data of the work, employment certificate and due diligence in the prescribed form and submit them to the Human Resources / IR department through the contractors before the start of the work. The issue of the previous debt was also raised by hundreds of defendants who filed their claims on June 25, 2012. § 672.720 (Uniform Commercial Code, Sales) This difference was statistically reliable, as shown by the significant interaction of the predecessor pronoun type Ã. a) the title is issued or transferred in return for a performance commitment, provided that this commitment has been respected; (b) the acquirer acquires a security or other lien in the instrument that is not a privilege acquired in the course of legal proceedings; A person defending a lawsuit against him. (d) the instrument is issued or transferred in exchange for a negotiable instrument; or.. .