Custody Agreement before Child Is Born

When a couple decides to have a child, they may imagine a future filled with joy and love. However, this future may also involve difficult decisions, particularly if the couple is no longer together. One such decision is custody.

Custody agreements can be created before the child is born to help alleviate the stress and confusion that can arise after separation. Here are some important things to consider when creating a custody agreement before the child is born.

1. Seek legal advice

It is essential to seek legal advice when creating a custody agreement, especially before the child is born. A lawyer can guide you through the process and ensure that your agreement is enforceable and fair for both parents.

2. Agree on the custody arrangement

There are two types of custody: physical and legal. Physical custody refers to where the child will physically reside, while legal custody refers to decision-making authority. It is important to agree on a custody arrangement that works for both parties and puts the child`s best interests first.

3. Consider visitation rights

If one parent has physical custody, the other parent will likely have visitation rights. Visitation rights can be arranged based on the parents` schedules and the child`s needs. For example, the non-custodial parent may have the child on weekends or holidays.

4. Determine child support

Child support is an important consideration when creating a custody agreement. The non-custodial parent will likely be required to pay child support to the custodial parent. The amount of child support will depend on several factors, including each parent`s income and the child`s needs.

5. Decide on medical and educational decisions

Legal custody includes decision-making authority for medical and educational decisions. It is important to agree on who will make these decisions and if both parents will have input.

Creating a custody agreement before the child is born can help reduce stress and potential conflict down the road. A well-crafted agreement can also ensure that both parents have a say in the child`s upbringing and care. Seek legal advice and consider these important factors when creating a custody agreement before your child is born.